03 May 2010

The Fast-Approaching End

Bear with me; there's a lot of writing that should be done that ISN'T this entry, including-but-not-limited-to more Iceland, Italy, and Madrid; oh, and also the 2,500-word paper due tomorrow that is currently a jumble of quotes totaling 1,937 words (at this point it's just waiting to write itself, right? ...right?)

I try to keep this blog relatively low on the philosophy but let's go Freud on this baby and do some dream analysis.
First, a little about me. Subconsciously, I hate traveling. It's not my favorite thing ever on a conscious level either, but my body has the strongest reactions to all the business involved in getting from point A to point B. I get nauseous just being in airports, and without fail I am wide-eyed and bushy-tailed all the way through nights before I head to catch a flight. And, like clockwork, I start to have bad dreams in the days leading up to travel. These dreams usually consist of missed flights, or baggage abandoned at the airport. (A concession: I haven't been a crazy, strung-out nutcase all semester, despite the weekend travels, but I am going to chalk this up as yet another example of "Disneyland: Europe" - these are not trips, they are just days spent in another section of the amusement park that is this continent.)

Anyway, good news: the dreams have begun. In last night's, I was driving my car on the sidewalk (typical), because I was simultaneously trying to fasten my seatbelt so that I could drive legally on the actual road. (I want to blame the absurdity of this thought process on the fact that dreams always "make sense", but let's be real - I'd probably operate on this theory in real life, which is reason #17, 542 why the world is better off with me in cities where public transportation is the norm.) When I was pulled over - reasonably so, but dream-me was still shocked the officer believed this act irrational - I quickly wisened up that "oh wait, that was a silly idea" but got off easy because I explained I was stressin' about catching a flight.


Long story short, I will be stateside in 12 days from today and I couldn't be happier!

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