Now that we're in final digits territory, I think it's time to start the countdown series:
This one might be a little of a stretch, but not really. Also, this trailer just rules so watch it anyway.
Judging from the speed of things around here, you'd think I had plowed through finals and was sitting around with nothing to do in this country for the next week and a half. If only that were true. Though I am completely done with one class (unfortunately, my favorite one), I still have three more finals to go, all packed into the first 24 hours of next week. After that, I throw away all my class notes, toss Flat Stanley into my bag, and make a go of all the London I should have seen over the past four months but have not. And then, back to New York!
Where I will be so happy. So happy that I will even be nice to the tourists, I will love them and appreciate that they want to come see my city and I will even share it with them. London's been nice enough to do that for me the past four months; it's my turn now.
(The picture is from thxthxthx (best URL ever). Every day, Leah Dietrich write a thank-you note to something in her world - a "daily exercise in gratitude". YES, YES YES YES YES PLEASE.)
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